
Integrating Biology
Biology Unbound
Our best chance to achieve personal health, wellness, and longevity is to understand and quantify human biology at the deepest level, at the highest resolution.
Unique as the Stars
Biology is like the universe. The universe comprises a vast number of unique stars, forming constellations, assembling into galaxies—creating the beautiful synergy that is our perfect universe. Each star is connected to every other star in an entanglement of interwoven forces and interactions. Just like the universe is made up of a vast number of stars, you are made out of a vast number of molecules, the basic building blocks of life.
Biology is Beautiful
Integrating biology is like mapping your stars. The more molecules, or stars, we can pinpoint at a higher resolution, the more we can unravel their interconnectedness, and the more we can understand and unravel their interwoven forces and interactions. With high-resolution biology, we can understand and unravel the trajectory of your health, wellness, and longevity—we see your universe.
Welcome to Biology Unbound.
Innovating Breakthroughs
I have never smashed a pill bottle agaist the wall.
Szilard Voros, MD
It is April of 2011, and I am standing at a patient's bedside in the ICU. I am a preventive cardiologist, and I am seeing Sam*, one of my patients in the ICU. He is 66 years old and just had his third heart attack. Within a period of 5 years. After 2 heart operations.
I am watching his vital signs on the monitors and listening to the irregular beeping of his heart. I can smell the cool, wet iodine we used to clean his skin for his cardiac procedure. I am telling him that everything is going to be fine, and my eye catches a medication bottle on the side table. I wrote that prescription for him a couple of months ago to treat his cholesterol, just like I have done every 3 months for the past 5 years, ever since his first heart attack.
And then it all dawns on me, for the first time. Numbers morph into people. I know medicine, and I know science. I know from clinical trials that I have to treat 81 people for 3 to 5 years to prevent one death or heart attack. The other 80 will take the drug for five years with no benefit at all. Numbers morph into faces. As I look Sam in the eye, I know that our system failed him. I set up discharge instructions for the morning and I pick up the pill bottle.
I walk into the doctor's lounge and smash the pill bottle against the wall. It shatters into pieces and the pills scatter on the floor.
I don’t want to succeed in only 1 of 81 patients.
I want to succeed in them all.
A few days later, I walk out of the hospital and never look back. ....
*Name changed to protect patient privacy.
I don’t want to succeed in only 1 of 81 patients.
I want to succeed in them all.
When we integrate and understand your biology at the deepest level, it allows us to understand your health, wellness, and longevity trajectories. All of us have 3-5 important potential threats that may have a major impact on our health. Such threats may include heart disease, cancer, neurodegenerative disease, inflammatory disease, or some genetic conditions. Each of these potential threats are the result of our inherited, genetic factors interacting with the environment and the lifestyle choices we make.
By mapping your biology at the deepest level, we are learning what factors drive different diseases and aging. We can see your trajectories propelled by your genes, and we can also see the result of the environment and lifestyle choices. Armed with this information, your physicians can take action for early detection and intervention. This information can also provide significant insights for your lifestyle choices such as your diet, nutritional supplements, and exercise.
Biology integrated and biology implemented is biology unbound.
Implementing Biology
Illuminating Pathways
Francis Crick, one of the most influential genomic scientists of all time, described the most fundamental concept in biology in 1957. He stated that the blueprint of life, the genetic code, or DNA, describes how to build each and every protein in the body, and all these proteins in concert with small molecules determine our traits, and our ultimate health, wellness, and longevity journey. The full integration of human biology is based on this fundamental concept: the central dogma of biology.
Paragraph(s) for MDs and PhDs about multiomics in detail
Investigating Biomarkers
The PUER clinical study is the most advanced, proactive, and comprehensive personalized health evaluation in the world today to understand what factors prevent aging.
PUER ("Previously Unrecognized Emerging Risks") Life Clinical Study (PUER)
Sponsor: PUER Research, LLC.
PUER ("Previously Unrecognized Emerging Risks") Life Clinical Study (PUER) in Ages 6 Through 18
Sponsor: PUER Research, LLC.